Monday, February 21, 2011

Botox Cosmetic®

What is Botox Cosmetic®?
Botox Cosmetic® is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used to improve the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines) in people 18 to 65 years of age for a short period of time (temporary). Botox Cosmetic® is administered by a physician as a simple, nonsurgical treatment that is injected directly into the muscles between the brows. Individual results may vary.
How does Botox Cosmetic® work?
Botox Cosmetic® is a prescription medicine that is injected into muscles and used to improve the look of the "11s"- the moderate-to-severe frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines). It works by blocking nerve impulses to the injected muscles. This reduces muscle activity that causes moderate to severe lines to form between the brows.
When will I see results from a Botox Cosmetic® treatment?
Within days, you may see a marked improvement in the moderate-to-severe frown lines between your brows. Lines continue to improve for up to 30 days, and results can last for up to 4 months. Individual results may vary.
How long does Botox Cosmetic® last?
Visible results from Botox Cosmetic® treatment have been shown to last up to 4 months. Your own results may vary – be sure to talk to Dr Macri about what you can expect from Botox Cosmetic®, and when to schedule your next appointment.
Is treatment with Botox Cosmetic® painful?
Any discomfort related to Botox Cosmetic® is usually minimal and brief. Prior to injection, your physician may choose to numb the area with a cold pack or anesthetic cream. The entire procedure takes approximately 10 minutes. Most patients are in and out of the physician’s office without downtime following Botox Cosmetic® treatment. Potential side effects associated with the injection include localized pain, infection, inflammation, tenderness, swelling, redness, and/or bleeding/bruising.
Will I still be able to make facial expressions?
Although the results are visible, a treatment with Botox Cosmetic® (onabotulinumtoxinA) will not radically change your facial appearance or make you look as if you’ve "had work done." The muscle activity that causes frown lines between the brows is temporarily reduced, so you can still frown or look surprised without wrinkles and creases between your brows.
Who should not take Botox Cosmetic®?
Do not take Botox Cosmetic® if you:
  • Are allergic to any of the ingredients in BOTOX® or Botox Cosmetic®.
  • Had an allergic reaction to any other botulinum toxin product such as:
    • Myobloc® or Dysport®
  • Have a skin infection at the planned injection site.
You should not be treated with Botox Cosmetic® if you have:
  • A disease that affects your muscles and nerves (such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease), myasthenia gravis or Lambert-Eaton syndrome).
  • Allergies to any botulinum toxin product.
  • Had any side effects from any botulinum toxin product in the past.
What will happen to the moderate to severe frown lines between my brows if I choose not to continue Botox Cosmetic® treatments?
If you do not continue treatments, the moderate-to-severe frown lines between your brows will gradually return to the way they looked before Botox Cosmetic® treatment.
What other areas of the face can be treated by Botox Cosmetic®?
In addition to frown lines, crow’s feet and "worry" lines, Botox Cosmetic® can be used to treat vertical lipstick lines, bunny lines, and dimpling on the chin (as well as other areas of the face). The following diagram shows just some of the areas an experienced injector can treat:


Atravez de un procedimiento relativamente rapido puede  lucir años mas joven

al igual que las mujeres los hombres tambien se benefician de este tratamiento


JUVÉDERM ® gel de relleno dérmico proporciona una, de larga duración suave corrección de las arrugas y pliegues faciales.Propietario tecnológicamente avanzadas formulaciones de Juvéderm ™ resultado en una natural mirada lisa y contienen la mayor concentración de animales y reticulado ácido hialurónico-no de cualquier relleno dérmico disponibles en la actualidad. Estos atributos únicos proporcionar resultados óptimos con un solo tratamiento en la mayoría de los pacientes y entregar resultados sostenidos de hasta seis meses o más. Juvederm ™ está compuesto por Allergan, el fabricante de Botox.

JUVÉDERM® dermal filler gel provides a smooth, long-lasting correction of facial wrinkles and folds.  Proprietary technologically advanced formulations of Juvéderm™ result in a smooth, natural look and contain the highest concentration on non-animal and cross-linked hyaluronic acid of any dermal filler currently available.  These unique attributes provide optimal results with a single treatment in the majority of patients and deliver sustained results for up to six months or longer.  Juvederm™ is made by Allergan, the makers of Botox.


Friday, February 18, 2011


Dr. Ramon Moquete practices internal medicine in New York, New York. Dr. Moquete graduated with an MD 22 years ago.

Medical School:

Stony Brook Univ Health Sciences Center School Of Medicine
Stony Brook, NY, United States
Graduated: 1989 

Residency Hospital:

Ny Med College
Valhalla, NY, USA
Internal medicine is the branch of medicine that deals with treating the whole patient. An internal medicine physician, also called an internist, can treat many illnesses and conditions, and is skilled in treating a patient who has several illnesses or disorders at the same time. This internist, who can be a primary care physician, emphasizes disease prevention and wellness, but can treat problems of the eyes, ears, skin, nervous system and reproductive organs, along with mental health or substance abuse issues.
The internal medicine physician can also treat cancer or diseases of the heart, blood, kidneys, joints, and digestive, respiratory and vascular systems, while concentrating on the wellness of the patient as a whole.


Vein Symptoms

Symptoms of varicose veins and other vein diseases come in many forms and should be taken seriously. Symptoms such as bulging veins, blue veins and enlarged veins can be indicative of an underlying condition (venous reflux), which can progressively get worse over time if not treated.
If the varicose vein has become swollen, red, or very tender or warm to the touch you should seek the attention of the doctor. Sores and rashes on the leg and near the ankle are also strong indications of circulation problems and you should consult with an experienced physician. If you are experiencing such symptoms call toll free at 1.888.ZIP.VEIN today for an appointment.
Most vein symptoms are worse at the end of the day, in hot weather and after prolonged periods of standing or sitting. Many women experience worse vein symptoms around the time of their menstrual period. Leg elevation, aerobic activity and compression stockings can help to alleviate symptoms. Click for more information on exercisesdietary changes, andalternative conservative therapies.
If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms in your legs, you may want to consider being evaluated by a vein specialist who can differentiate vein disease from mere cosmetic concerns:
Swelling – Swelling or edema may occur in the lower part of the leg, usually around the ankle or in the feet. This is often more pronounced after longer periods of standing or sitting. Swelling often indicates vein problems occurring below the surface of the skin. An evaluation by a vein specialist should be sought. Unexplained pain or swelling in a leg can be indicative of blood clots. Varicose veins alone usually do not cause swelling of the legs.
Bulging Veins and Enlarged Veins – Bulging veins that are swollen and raised above the skin surface (generally called ‘varicose veins’) can occur anywhere on the leg, but are most often found on the inner thigh and/or the inner lower leg or calf. These may often be described as ‘ropey’ or cord-like in appearance. Varicose veins are often accompanied with additional symptoms such as achy, heavy feeling legs; burning, throbbing, and muscle cramping; itching around one or more of your veins; skin ulcers near the ankle. All signs of which may be indicators of more severe forms of vascular disease and should result in seeing a physician.
Red or Blue Veins – Small red or blue veins found closer to the skin surface (generally called ’spider veins’). Red or blue veins may vary in size, but are often web-like with branches like a tree.
Burning or Throbbing Veins – Sensations of muscles cramping and veins that may be warm to the touch
Bleeding – Bleeding may be due to a ruptured surface vein or more rarely be associated with a venous ulcer, one of the most severe forms of vein disease. This most often occurs on the lower leg or ankle. You should elevate your leg, apply pressure over the bleeding site, and seek medical help immediately.

Other Symptoms of Varicose Veins or Other Vein Disease May Include:

  • Skin Discoloration – Change of skin color (darkening) in areas around the affected veins. Can be brown or red and is often shiny. Certain conditions may cause whitening or hardening of the skin.
  • Leg Pain – Severe tenderness of your veins, especially when sensitive to touch.
  • Tired, Heavy, Aching Feeling – Often a dull achiness that feels worse at night
  • Itching – An irritated rash or strong itching sensation on or near your veins. This may lead to severely dry skin and can be a form of eczema.
  • Numbness – Lack of sensation or a tingling feeling.
En este país se estima apróximadamente que
una de cada cuatro personas, en alguna
forma sufre un desorden en las venas de la
pierna durante su vida.

¿que son venas del varicose y de la araña?
Las venas varicosas (varicositis) son venas gruesas
protuberantes y anormales cerca de la superficie de la
piel, frecuentemente se encuentran en las piernas o
en el área perlvica. La falla de que estas venas no
circulen la sangre debidamente causan que la san-
gre se estanque en las venas. Cada vena tiene una
serie de válvulas que son diseñadas para prevenir
que la sangre no retroceda. Cuando éstas no fun-
cionan permiten que la sangre se junte creando una
presión dentro de la vena y forman protuberancias de
venas repugnantes  que con frecuanecia van
acompañadas de molestias o dolor.

Las venas varicosas (telangiectasia) se forman por la
dilatación de un grupo pequeño de
vasos de sangre situados debajo de la superficie de la
piel. Aunque pueden aparecer en
cualquier parte del cuerpo, comunmente se encuentran en la cara y en las piernas. Estas
venas pequeñas de color rojo, morado o azuladas
comunmente se extienden en una forma
lineal o de apariencia de una red de araña.
¿que causan las venas varicosas y las
venas arañas?
Las venas varicosas y las venas arañas pueden
ocurrir en hombres o en mujeres a cualquier edad,
pero con frecuencia afectan a las mujeres que están
en la edad procreativa y en las mayores. Los factores
hereditarios juegan un papel importante en determinar
si usted desarrollará  venas varicosas o venas
arañas,aunque los factores específicos genéticos
responsables no hayan sido todavia indentificados. Si
usted las tiene, las probabilidades son que su madre
o su padre probablemente las hayan tenido tambien.
la microflebectomia
La microflebectomía es un procedimiento quirúrgico
que permite eliminar segmentos cortos de venas
varicosas por medio de incesiones muy pequeñas.
Generalmente se hacern bajo antesia local, las
incisiones se hacen sobre el area de las venas, y
luego se remueven usando instrumentos especialmente diseñados para este procedimiento. La
microflebectomía pude hacerse en la mayoría de las
venas varicosas sin necesidad de  puntos, y con un
mínimo de cicatrices. Normalmente, los pacientes
pueden volver a trabajar en pocos dias.
el tratamiento endovenoso por laser
El tratamioento endovenoso por laser(TNPL) se
hace bajo anestesia local en los pacientes que no
necesitan hospitalizarce. Este tratamiento es
menos agresiveo para las venas dañadas. Dur-
ante este procedimiento, se hace un pequeño
punzón y se inserta un pequeño catéter en la vena
defectuosa o anormal, luego el catéter  en- vía
energía de laser a la pared de la vena, caus- ando
que la vena se reduzca y se cierre. Una vez
cerrada, la presión de la vena varicosa disminuye
y la circulación normal se restablece gradualmente
y basicamente mejora los síntomas problematicos
con la desaparición de la vena.
el tratamiento de las venas por laser
Los tratamientos por laser funcionan emitiendo
una lúz especial que enfocan los vaso capilares no
desables causando que la vena se disuelva  y
gradualmente desaparezca.  La terapia de la vena
por laser es un método probado, seguro y rápido
para remover la vena y ha llegado a ser el
tratamiento por elección para las venas arañas
pequeñas de la cara.


la escleroterapia
La escleroterapia es una terapia de una inyección
no quirurgica para eliminar las venas varicosas y
venas arañas también. Los vasos capilares afec-
tados son inyectados con una solución escleroserante lo que causa que los vasos se reduzcan y
finalmente desaparezcan. Este procedimiento hecho
en el consultorio, solamente toma de 15 a 30 min-
utos dependiendo del número y tamaño de las venas.
la espuma de escleroterapia
Puesta en ambas venas,en las venas reticulares asi
como en las venas varicosas gruesas, la espuma
de escleroterapia es un nuevo método comparado
con el de la terapia convencional. Mezclando un
detergente escleroserante con aire, se forma una
espuma con una consistencia muy similar al de la
crema de afeitar. A diferencia del líquido escleroserante, la espuma espesa, atributo que permite
permanecer en contacto con las paredes de los
vasos capilares por un tiempo prolongado después
de la inyección, lo que habilita el tratamiento de
venas varicosas grandes.
el ultrasonido de la esleroterapia
El ultrasonido de la escleroterapia dirigida está
usado para guiar el agente escleroserante con mas
precisión en la vena dañada. Esto permite que la
inyección para venas gruesas  hayan  requerido
otros  tratamientos mas agresivos.
la escleroterapia
La escleroterapia es una terapia de una inyección
no quirurgica para eliminar las venas varicosas y
venas arañas también. Los vasos capilares afec-
tados son inyectados con una solución escleroserante lo que causa que los vasos se reduzcan y
finalmente desaparezcan. Este procedimiento hecho
en el consultorio, solamente toma de 15 a 30 min-
utos dependiendo del número y tamaño de las venas.
la espuma de escleroterapia
Puesta en ambas venas,en las venas reticulares asi
como en las venas varicosas gruesas, la espuma
de escleroterapia es un nuevo método comparado
con el de la terapia convencional. Mezclando un
detergente escleroserante con aire, se forma una
espuma con una consistencia muy similar al de la
crema de afeitar. A diferencia del líquido escleroserante, la espuma espesa, atributo que permite
permanecer en contacto con las paredes de los
vasos capilares por un tiempo prolongado después
de la inyección, lo que habilita el tratamiento de
venas varicosas grandes.
el ultrasonido de la esleroterapia
El ultrasonido de la escleroterapia dirigida está
usado para guiar el agente escleroserante con mas
precisión en la vena dañada. Esto permite que la
inyección para venas gruesas  hayan  requerido
otros  tratamientos mas agresivos.


Vein Treatment

If you suffer from varicose veins and spider veins, you are not alone. It is estimated that nearly one in four people in this country experience some form of leg vein disorder during their lifetime. While vein problems such as varicose veins and spider veins are not related to artery problems such as those that cause heart disease, abnormal leg veins can affect your health and self-image.
For many people, varicose veins and spider veins are simply a cosmetic concern. For others, varicose veins can cause aching pain and discomfort. Sometimes the condition leads to more serious problems, such as skin ulcers and blood clots. Varicose veins may also signal a higher risk of other disorders of the circulatory system.
Anyone, male or female, can develop spider veins or varicose veins. There are however certain risk factors that can make varicose and spider veins more likely to form.
  • The tendency toward vein problems can run in families.
  • Women often develop varicose and spider veins during pregnancy.
  • Those with jobs that keep one on your feet or sitting at a desk all day can contribute as well.
  • Other factors include lack of exercise, injury, and hormonal changes.
Understanding the roles of exercise, diet, and hormones can minimize your risk and control progression; but if varicose and spider veins are already a problem, modern techniques have made treatment of this common condition more effective and safer than ever before.
Whether you desire cosmetic improvement or relief of symptoms, the information contained in this site should give you a better sense of your condition and the current treatments available but is no substitute for a consultation.
The VeinGogh Ohmic Thermolysis System provides a superior solution for the treatment of fine telangiectasia, spider veins and small angiomas, especially recalcitrant vessels that have shown a resistance to sclerotherapy, laser or IPL treatment.
VeinGogh is the fast, easy way to reliably treat these and other cosmetically unacceptable conditions, often with less discomfort compared to older therapies.
VeinGogh uses a hair-thin, insulated probe to thermocoagulate and instantly eliminate vessels dependably, repeatably, on any skin-type and on any part of the body.
Immediate Post
1 Week Post
4 Week Post
How does it work?
Ohmic thermolysis is the process of using electrical resistivity to selectively thermocoagulation small, cosmetically unacceptable blood vessels, including telangiectasia and spider veins. Using proprietary Microburst Technology™, the VeinGogh Ohmic Thermolysis System delivers high-frequency energy (4 MHz) to the tip of a hair-thin insulated probe that is inserted gently into the vessel. Microbursts of electrical energy are converted to heat to instantly coagulate the blood and collapse the vessel wall, which later will be absorbed by the body. Because the probe directs the heat downward toward the vessel, the outer layers of the skin are unaffected.
Microburst Technology
VeinGogh incorporates Microburst Technology, a powerful and revolutionary frequency regulator that achieves fixed amplitude energy, allowing controllable heating of vessels without significant discomfort or visible damage to the surrounding tissue. Microburst Technology allows the VeinGogh to deliver peak modulation—fixing each pulse at an exact, unfluctuating amplitude for greater control. The resulting pulse train also encompasses sharp, precise peaks rather than a flat energy profile to minimize the risk of damage and deliver consistent results.
In addition, each VeinGogh pulse is delivered only when the user depresses the foot pedal. Combined with Microburst Technology, VeinGogh easily prevents the collateral damage caused by the continuous flow of current deployed by older technologies.
How does it work?Ohmic thermolysis is the process of using electrical resistivity to selectively thermocoagulation small, cosmetically unacceptable blood vessels, including telangiectasia and spider veins. Using proprietary Microburst Technology™, the VeinGogh Ohmic Thermolysis System delivers high-frequency energy (4 MHz) to the tip of a hair-thin insulated probe that is inserted gently into the vessel. Microbursts of electrical energy are converted to heat to instantly coagulate the blood and collapse the vessel wall, which later will be absorbed by the body. Because the probe directs the heat downward toward the vessel, the outer layers of the skin are unaffected.Microburst TechnologyVeinGogh incorporates Microburst Technology, a powerful and revolutionary frequency regulator that achieves fixed amplitude energy, allowing controllable heating of vessels without significant discomfort or visible damage to the surrounding tissue. Microburst Technology allows the VeinGogh to deliver peak modulation—fixing each pulse at an exact, unfluctuating amplitude for greater control. The resulting pulse train also encompasses sharp, precise peaks rather than a flat energy profile to minimize the risk of damage and deliver consistent results.In addition, each VeinGogh pulse is delivered only when the user depresses the foot pedal. Combined with Microburst Technology, VeinGogh easily prevents the collateral damage caused by the continuous flow of current deployed by older technologies.

one of many treatments from DR> KASSOUF

Body Shaping & Skin Tightening

Laser Treatment - Eyetight
One of the latest advancements in laser technology is the tightening and resurfacing of skin using laser energy. LaserTight can vaporize tiny pockets of fat in hard to reach areas, or large from major soft tissue collection areas. The procedure reduces healing time and is currently one of the most popular and reliable ways to achieve meaningful and long-lasting cosmetic changes.
Minimally invasive, the procedure eliminates unwanted fat and ablates the skin allowing new collagen formation, resulting in progressive improvement of skin texture and tightening for many months after the procedure.
LaserTight has proven to be very effective for face and neck rejuvenation. Results observed include measurable improvements in wrinkles, skin laxity, texture and pigmentation. The treatment is available to most skin types with no risk or scarring, hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation.
Additionally, this procedure is performed with no anesthesia. Topical anesthetic is all that is needed and is applied one hour prior to treatment.
Lower Eyelids (Laser Blepharoplasty) – EyeTight (patent pending).
A non-surgical procedure, EyeTight vaporizes fat cells in the lower lids while simultaneously promoting tightening of skin. The 15 minute procedure requires only local anesthesia and no sutures.
Submental (Chin & Neck) – ChinTight
Removes undesirable fat and tightens the loose skin under the chin, around the neck and jowls, eliminating double chins, creating well-defined, sharp-angle jawline. Jowls can be shrank and reduces neck flabbiness, skin folds and neck wrinkles.
Bra Strap and Armpit Areas – BodyTight
Removes undesirable fat and tightens the loose skin smoothing out bra rolls on the back and reducing armpit bulge.
Upper and Lower Thighs – BodyTight
Removes undesirable fat and tightens the loose skin smoothing saddlebags, eliminating thigh rubbing and decreasing thigh circumference.
Back Flanks and Hip Areas – BodyTight
Removes undesirable fat and tightens the loose skin reducing “love handles” creating a tighter, more toned appearance.
Treatments are generally less than an hour with local anesthesia, allowing the patient to literally walk in and out. Because the procedure only requires the use of local anesthesia, recovery times are much more rapid.
  • Minimally Invasive. This procedure uses a 20 gauge needle percutaneously with minimal bruising and swelling.
  • Rapid Healing. No sutures are required with virtually no tissue trauma.
  • Minimal Down Time. EyeTight is an in-office procedure with local anesthesia performed in less than 15 minutes with predictable and desirable outcomes.
  • Well Suited to Small or Any Localized Pocket of Undesirable Soft Tissue Effectively Treated by Laser Vaporization.
  • Remove up to 500 ml. of soft tissue in any one area at any one time.
  • Simultaneous Soft Tissue Removal and Skin Tightening. 980 nm. efficiently vaporizes soft tissue and provides skin tightening.
  • Progressive Results. Skin tightening will continue to improve 6-8 weeks post-procedure.
  • The procedure involves using a cold red laser to target unwanted fat, causing it to liquefy and be drained out of the body through a natural Lymph drainage.
Who can benefit from laser body sculpting?
  • have tried to eliminate bulges through diet, exercise and weight loss.
  • have distinct areas of localized fat that are disproportionate to the rest of their bodies.
  • have realistic expectations and are only slightly to moderately overweight.
What will my recovery be like after laser body sculpting?
You will go home after the procedure and rest for a few hours, after which you may gradually increase your activity as tolerated. After 2 to 5 days you may resume normal activities. You may need to wear a snug elastic dressing, girdle, or body stocking over the treated area to aid healing.
FDA Clearances. LaserTight has a wide range of FDA clearances including coagulation, vaporization, cutting, and homeostasis for soft tissue procedures in dermatology, plastic surgery, general surgery, and ophthalmology. These clearances include a specific clearance for 980 laser blepharoplasty